Matière inerte et vivante sous irradiations
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Matière inerte et vivante sous irradiation
Production of scandium-44m and scandium-44g with deuterons on calcium-44 : cross section measurements and production yield calculations. Duchemin C, Guertin A, Haddad F, Michel N, Metivier V (2015) Phys Med Biol, 60 : 6847-6864
MEASUREMENT OF 230Pa AND 186Re PRODUCTION CROSS SECTIONS INDUCED BY DEUTERONS AT ARRONAX FACILITY / C. Duchemin, A. Guertin, F. Haddad, N. Michel, V. Métivier / Applications of Nuclear Techniques (CRETE13) International Journal of Modern Physics : Conference Series Vol. 27 (2014) 1460149 (9 pages) c © The Authors DOI:10.1142/S2010194514601495 / 2014
Beam monitoring and dosimetry tools for radiobiology experiments at cyclotron Arronax / C. Koumeir, M. Cherel, A. Guertin, F. Haddad, V. Métivier, N. Michel, F. Poirier, L. Schwob, N. Servagent, N. Varmenot / ICTR-PHE 2014, International Conference on Translational Research in Radiation Oncology,Physics for Health in Europe, February 10-14, 2014, Geneva, Switzerland / Radiotherapy & Oncology, Journal of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, 110 Suppl. 1 (2014) S53 / 2014
Alpha radiolysis of nitric acid and sodium nitrate with 4He2+ beam of 13.5 MeV energy, G. Garaix, L. Venault, A. Costagliola, J. Maurin, M. Guigue, R. Omnee, G. Blain, J. Vandenborre, M. Fattahi, N. Vigier, P. Moisy, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 106 (2014) 394-403
Radiolytic Corrosion of Uranium Dioxide : Role of Molecular Species. Traboulsi, A., Vandenborre, J., Blain, G., Humbert, B., Barbet, J., Fattahi, M. (2014) J Phys Chem C, 118, 1071-1080
Behavior of Heptavalent Technetium in Sulfuric Acid under α-Irradiation : Structural Determination of Technetium Sulfate Complexes by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and First Principles Calculations.Denden I, Poineau F, Schlegel ML, Roques J, Solari PL, Blain G, Czerwinski KR, Essehli R, Barbet J, Fattahi M. (2014) J Phys Chem A. 118, 1568-75
232Th(d,4n)230Pa cross-section measurements at ARRONAX facility for the production of 230U. C. Duchemin, A. Guertin, F. Haddad, N. Michel, V. Métivier / Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Volume 41, Supplement, May 2014, Pages e19-e22 / 2014
Measurements of 186Re production cross section induced by deuterons on natW target at ARRONAX facility. Arnaud Guertin, Charlotte Duchemin, Ferid Haddad, Nathalie Michel, Vincent Métivier / Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Volume 41, Supplement, May 2014, Pages e16-e18 / 2014
EBT2 films response to alpha radiation at 48.3 MeV. C. Le Deroff, M. Cherel, A. Guertin, F. Haddad, C. Koumeir, V. Métivier, N. Michel, F. Poirier, N. Servagent, N. Varmenot / Radiation Protection and Dosimetry Vol. 161, Issue 1-4, May 2014, P. 428-432 / 2014
232Th(d,xn)230,232,233Pa Cross Section Measurements. C. Duchemin, A. Guertin, F. Haddad, N. Michel, V. Metivier / Nuclear Data Sheets, Vol. 119 (2014) p. 267-269 / 2014