Matière inerte et vivante sous irradiations
- Nos Thématiques
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- Techniques séparatives
- Spectrométries optiques
- Résonance magnétique
- Métrologie nucléaire
- Moyens d'irradiation
- imagerie
- Analyse élémentaire
- Analyse élémentaire ICP-OES (optique)
- Spectroscopie LIBD-LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy)
- Mesure COT (quantification carbone organique et total)
- Analyse des hydrures et hydrogène atomique dans les solides (EMGA)
- Analyse ICP-MS-Haute Résolution et solide ablation laser
- Analyse élémentaire ICP-MS
- Analyse PIGE
- Analyse PIXE
- Analyse structurale
- Electrochimie
- Nos Collaborations
- Nos Publications
- Nos Actualités
Matière inerte et vivante sous irradiation
Thick multi-layers analysis using high energy PIXE. A. Subercaze, A. Guertin,C. Koumeir, F. HADDAD, V. M\’etivier, N. Servagent, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 406PA (2017) pp. 104-107
Une plateforme pour l’analyse de matériaux par faisceaux d’ions à ARRONAX : étude de l’effet d’humidité sur les échantillons. A. Subercaze, A. Guertin, F. Haddad, M. Hazim, L. Jean-Soro, C.Koumeir, V. Métivier, N. Michel, C. Neel,A. Rahmani, N. Servagent Instrumentation, Mesure, Métrologie, no 3-4/2016, 1-11
Noirault, S., J. Vandenborre, G. Blain, F. Haddad, and M. Fattahi, « In Situ Electrochemical Behavior of Titanium Alloys (T40, T64) Under 4He2+ Irradiation », in Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium. 2016, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. p. 1845-1848
- “How to produce scandium-44 efficiently ?”C. Duchemin, A. Guertin, F. Haddad, N. Michel, V. Métivier, International Conference on Translational Research in Radiation Oncology / Physics for Health in Europe, Radiotherapy & Oncology, Vol. 118, Supplement 1, February 2016, p. S48-S49
- “Tb-155 production with gadolinium target : proton, deuteron or alpha beam ?” C. Duchemin, A. Guertin, F. Haddad, N. Michel, V. Métivier, International Conference on Translational Research in Radiation Oncology / Physics for Health in Europe, Radiotherapy & Oncology, Vol. 118, Supplement 1, February 2016, p. S36-S37
“How to produce the highest tin-117m specific activity ?”, C. Duchemin, M. Essayan, A. Guertin, F. Haddad, N. Michel, V. Métivier, International Conference on Translational Research in Radiation Oncology / Physics for Health in Europe, Radiotherapy & Oncology, Vol. 118, Supplement 1, February 2016, p. S36
Venault, L., G. Garaix, J. Vandenborre, and P. Moisy, Radiolyse α des solutions aqueuses d’acide nitrique et de plutonium, L’Actualité Chimique, 408-409 (2016) 106-108
Ghalei, M., J. Vandenborre, G. Blain, F. Haddad, M. Mostafavi, and M. Fattahi, Oxidation and/or reduction of manganese species by γ-ray and He2+ particle irradiation in highly concentrated carbonate media, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 119 (2016) 142-150
Traboulsi, A., J. Vandenborre, G. Blain, B. Humbert, F. Haddad, and M. Fattahi, Radiolytic corrosion of uranium dioxide induced by He2+ localized irradiation of water : Role of the produced H2O2 distance, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 467, Part 2 (2015) 832-839
Garaix, G., L. Venault, A. Costagliola, J. Maurin, M. Guigue, R. Omnee, G. Blain, J. Vandenborre, M. Fattahi, N. Vigier, and P. Moisy, Alpha radiolysis of nitric acid and sodium nitrate with 4He2+ beam of 13.5 MeV energy, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 106 (2015) 394-403