Matière inerte et vivante sous irradiations
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- Spectrométries optiques
- Résonance magnétique
- Métrologie nucléaire
- Moyens d'irradiation
- imagerie
- Analyse élémentaire
- Analyse élémentaire ICP-OES (optique)
- Spectroscopie LIBD-LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy)
- Mesure COT (quantification carbone organique et total)
- Analyse des hydrures et hydrogène atomique dans les solides (EMGA)
- Analyse ICP-MS-Haute Résolution et solide ablation laser
- Analyse élémentaire ICP-MS
- Analyse PIGE
- Analyse PIXE
- Analyse structurale
- Electrochimie
- Nos Collaborations
- Nos Publications
- Nos Actualités
Matière inerte et vivante sous irradiation
New excitation functions for proton induced reactions on natural gadolinium up to 70 MeV with focus on 149Tb production, Formento-Cavaier R, Haddad F, Alliot C, Sounalet T, Zahi I, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. sept 2020;478:174‑81.
High energy PIXE: New experimental K-shell ionization cross sections for silver and gold and comparison with theoretical values from ECPSSR/RECPSSR models, Hazim M, Koumeir C, Guertin A, Métivier V, Naja A, Servagent N, et al, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. sept 2020;479:120‑4.
Exploring radiation hardness of PEPITES, a new transparent charged particle beam profiler, Elidrissi-Moubtassim S, Koumeir C, Audouin N, Blain G, Boyer B, Delagnes E, et al, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. mars 2020;466:8‑11.
The Radiobiological Platform at Arronax, Koumeir C, De Nadal V, Cherubini R, Cherel M, Garrido E, Gouard S, et al. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 1 mai 2019;183(1‑2):270‑3.
New excitation functions measurement of nuclear reactions induced by deuteron beams on yttrium with particular reference to the production of 89Zr, Manenti S, Haddad F, Groppi F, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. nov 2019;458:57‑60.
New Cross-Sections for natMo(α,x) Reactions and Medical 97Ru Production Estimations with Radionuclide Yield Calculator, Sitarz M, Nigron E, Guertin A, Haddad F, Matulewicz T, Instruments. 22 janv 2019;3(1):7.
Development of an ultra thin beam profiler for charged particle beams, Boyer B, Cornat R, Delagnes E, Geerebaert Y, Gevin O, Haddad F, et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. août 2019;936:29‑30.
Can We Extract Production Cross-Sections from Thick Target Yield Measurements? A Case Study Using Scandium Radioisotopes, Sitarz M, Jastrzębski J, Haddad F, Matulewicz T, Szkliniarz K, Zipper W., Instruments. 14 mai 2019;3(2):29.
Alpha radiolysis of DOTA ligand in aqueous solutions with helium ion beams, Fiegel V, Berthon C, Costagliola A, Blain G, Vandenborre J, Vermeulen J, et al., Radiation Physics and Chemistry. déc 2019;165:108409.
Speciation of technetium in carbonate media under helium ions and γ radiation. Ghalei, M., J. Vandenborre, F. Poineau, G. Blain, P.-L. Solari, J. Rôques, F. Haddad, and M. Fattahi, , in Radiochimica Acta. 2018