Matière inerte et vivante sous irradiations
- Nos Thématiques
- Nos Équipements
- Tous les Équipements
- Techniques séparatives
- Spectrométries optiques
- Résonance magnétique
- Métrologie nucléaire
- Moyens d'irradiation
- imagerie
- Analyse élémentaire
- Analyse élémentaire ICP-OES (optique)
- Spectroscopie LIBD-LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy)
- Mesure COT (quantification carbone organique et total)
- Analyse des hydrures et hydrogène atomique dans les solides (EMGA)
- Analyse ICP-MS-Haute Résolution et solide ablation laser
- Analyse élémentaire ICP-MS
- Analyse PIGE
- Analyse PIXE
- Analyse structurale
- Electrochimie
- Nos Collaborations
- Nos Publications
- Nos Actualités
Matière inerte et vivante sous irradiation
Ultra-fast prompt gamma detection in single proton counting regime for range monitoring in particle therapy, Marcatili S, Collot J, Curtoni S, Dauvergne D, Hostachy J-Y, Koumeir C, et al, Phys Med Biol. 18 déc 2020;65(24):245033.
Production of 67Cu by enriched 70Zn targets: first measurements of formation cross sections of 67Cu, 64Cu, 67Ga, 66Ga, 69mZn and 65Zn in interactions of 70Zn with protons above 45 MeV, Pupillo G, Mou L, Martini P, Pasquali M, Boschi A, Cicoria G, et al, Radiochimica Acta. 27 août 2020;108(8):593‑602.
New results on the V(p,x)43Sc cross section: Analysis of the discrepancy with previous data, Pupillo G, Mou L, Haddad F, Fontana A, Canton L, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. févr 2020;464:32‑5.
New excitation functions for proton induced reactions on natural gadolinium up to 70 MeV with focus on 149Tb production, Formento-Cavaier R, Haddad F, Alliot C, Sounalet T, Zahi I, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. sept 2020;478:174‑81.
High energy PIXE: New experimental K-shell ionization cross sections for silver and gold and comparison with theoretical values from ECPSSR/RECPSSR models, Hazim M, Koumeir C, Guertin A, Métivier V, Naja A, Servagent N, et al, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. sept 2020;479:120‑4.
Exploring radiation hardness of PEPITES, a new transparent charged particle beam profiler, Elidrissi-Moubtassim S, Koumeir C, Audouin N, Blain G, Boyer B, Delagnes E, et al, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. mars 2020;466:8‑11.