PRISMAP : building a European network for medical radionuclides
PRISMAP – The European medical radionuclides programme sets out to substantially change the European landscape for novel and emerging medical radionuclides.
The GIP ARRONAX takes part of PRISMAP, the European medical radionuclide programme on the production of high purity radionuclide by mass separation.
This programme federates a European consortium of the key intense neutron sources, isotope mass separation facilities and high-power accelerators and cyclotrons, with leading biomedical and healthcare research institutes in the active translation of the emerging radionuclides into medical diagnosis and treatment.
PRISMAP will create a single-entry point for a fragmented user community distributed amongst universities, research centres, industry and hospitals, in a similar way as how the National Isotope Development Center NIDC, supported by the Department of Energy (DOE), has provided radionuclide sources for users in the USA. PRISMAP brings together a consortium of 23 beneficiaries from 13 countries, one European Research Laboratory and an International Organisation. It receives support of leading associations and institutions in the field such as the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101008571 (PRISMAP – The European medical radionuclides programme).
The consortium is coordinated by Dr Thierry Stora, CERN.