Experimentation under beam
Effect of ultra-high dose rate protontherapy on zebrafish embryos.
Potiron V, Saade G, Koumeir C, Bongrand A, Villoing D, Servagent N, Supiot S, Haddad F, Chiavassa S, Delpon G
14th Workshop Adaptation of the tumour and its ecosystem to radiotherapies, Le Bono, France, September 22-25 2021Calibration of the zebrafish embryo model for radiotherapy toxicity.
Saade G, Chiavassa S, Bongrand A, Villoing D, Koumeir C, Servagent N, Haddad F, Delpon G, Supiot S, Potiron V,
14th Workshop Adaptation of the tumour and its ecosystem to radiotherapies, Le Bono, France, September 22-25 2021Maximization of the dose homogeneity in the plateau for a low energy preclinical proton beam line
A. Bongrand, C. Koumeir, D. Villoing, A. Guertin, F. Haddad, V. Metivier, F. Poirier , V. Potiron, N. Servagent, S. Supiot, G. Delpon, S. Chiavassa
Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest, Saint Herblain, France
GIP ARRONAX, Saint Herblain, France
Laboratoire SUBATECH, UMR 6457, CNRS IN2P3, IMT Atlantique, Université de Nantes, France