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Mathilde, Thibault and astatine chemistry
On October 1, 2020, she joined CRCINA and he joined Ceisam. Mathilde Ligeour and Thibault Yssartier are each starting a thesis on the chemistry of astatine, which is one of (…)

The electronic affinity of the astatine is finally known
Result of a collaboration initiated between theoretical chemists from the CEISAM laboratory (UMR CNRS 6230) in Nantes and experimental physicists from CERN in Switzerland, the determination of a fundamental property (…)

ANR Young Researcher funding for the ExpAt project
The ExpAt project, coordinated by François Guérard (in the photo) from the CRCINA laboratory (UMR INSERM 1232 – ERL CNRS 6001) in Nantes, in collaboration with Nicolas Galland from the CEISAM laboratory (UMR CNRS (…)

Astatine on the cover of the Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics journal
The latest edition of the Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics journal features the results of the theoretical work done at the CEISAM laboratory (UMR CNRS 6230). A very first link has just been established (…)