The mission of the International Scientific Council of ARRONAX is to advise the management of the GIP in its strategic choices.
It meets once a year in the fall since 2004. It consists 14 members including 4 technical committee members:
■ Professor Suresh Srivastava, Professor of Radiology at the Medical School of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, director of Radionuclide and Research Division Radiopharmaceutical (R & RR) of the Medical Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York (USA), President.
■ Professor Marion de Jong, Professor of Nuclear Biology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam (Netherlands), Vice-President.
■ Professor Patrick Bourguet (Centre Eugène Marquis, Rennes), Professor of Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine, University of Rennes 1 (France).
■ Professor Patrick Cozzone, Professor of Biophysics at the Faculty of Medicine of Marseille, head of department at the Hospital La Timone, CHU Marseille, Chair of Biophysics at the Institut Universitaire de France, founder and directorof the Centre for Magnetic Resonance Biological and Medical CNRS (France).
■ Professor Peter Ell, Nuclear Medicine, Senior Investigator National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and Professor Emeritus at University College London (UK).
■ Professor Denis Guilloteau, professor of pharmaceutical biophysics, Director of Inserm U619 “Dynamics and pathology of brain development,” Director of Nuclear Medicine, CHU Bretonneau, Tours (France).
■ Dr. Ulli Köster, nuclear physicist, radioisotope production at the Institut Laue Langevin (Grenoble) and ISOLDE (CERN).
■ Professor Jörg Kotzerke, Professor of Nuclear Medicine, Director of the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital of Dresden (Germany).
■ Dr. Bernard Laune, Accelerators Physicist , Head of Mission for the Pole IN2P3 Accelerators CEA / CNRS, Technical Coordinator of the Accelerators Division of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Orsay, Member of the National Programme for Research in Radiation Therapy (France).
■ Professor Jacques Martino, nuclear physicist, director of IN2P3 (CNRS), Paris (France).
Additional members from the Technical Committee:
■ Professor Michel Chérel, Professor of Biophysics, Pharmacist, Doctor of the University of Nantes, Centre for Research in Cancer Nantes-Angers, Nantes (France).
■ Dr. Ferid Haddad, Senior Lecturer at the University of Nantes, Deputy Director of GIP ARRONAX, Doctor of Physics, Subatech, Nantes (Nantes).
■ Dr. Vincent Metivier, Assistant Professor at the Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Doctor of Physics, Subatech, Nantes (France)
■ Docteur Freddy Poirier,Research ingineer at the CNRS, Doctor in accelerator physics, ARRONAX, Nantes(France).